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Indonesia is a country with very large potential for disaster, this is because the territory of Indonesia is in the “Ring of Fire” region and is influenced by the activities of 4 major earth plates that interact and form subduction and collision zones, active faults and volcanoes.

In view of this, national needs are needed for leading academic staff who understand the earthquake process and its mitigation at both the central and regional levels. Therefore, ITB as one of the educational and research institutions needs to answer these problems.

The research process related to the science and technology of Indonesian earthquakes needs to involve various scientific fields (multidisciplinary and interdisplinary) as well as various parties, PUI-PT Indonesia Earthquake Science and Technology consists of the fields of science and technology and includes subfields of geology, seismology (geophysics), geodesy, geotechnology, earthquake resistant structural technology, as well as computing technology, communication, information and seismic instrumentation.

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